Thursday, April 1, 2010

Looking for space

Just did some Shiva Nata. I haven't done it since the move. The new living room sets up nicely, though I may end up banging my shins against the coffee table once I attempt legs.
Again I started from the beginning and did Level 1 up to V arms fast. Though I did have to slow it down a little and there was still much flailing.

Havi's post about Gaps and the finding of them came at the perfect time (for me). Remember that movie "The Girl, the Gold Watch and Everything"? It was from the 80s I think and the guy had a gold watch and if he pressed the button it would stop everything but him. So he could get out of scrapes and pose the bad guys in silly ways and then pouff! they would look around and he'd be gone. Well, that's exactly what I need. I would like to find a way to stop time between an event that rattles me and my reaction to it. I want to stop making snap judgements (which are unfortunately often negative) and not freak out. Sounds like Shiva Nata can help....

Today I was focusing again on Transquarters, thinking about all the links between things that we might not think are linked. I mean positions 1 and 3, 2 and 4 are opposites right? Who would think they'd be linked? So maybe that one situation/person that is really bugging me and is my "opposite" (as in my adversary) is really linked to me. Ok off to go for a run and let all this stuff percolate.

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