Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Shaking up the picture

I decided, finally, to start a log of my Shiva Nata practice. Just like with everything else (pattern!) I started Shiva Nata a while ago, got very excited about it, and then it just kind of faded. I got busy with other things, and I just didn't make the time.
I'm hoping this journal will motivate me to keep at it and record epiphanies and observations as well as challenges.

So far:
I've been doing Shiva Nata off and on for a few months. I'm at Level 1 and can do H arms and V arms fast with no voiceover, though V arms is a little more challenging. I also seem to be doing okay with H arms with legs. I've had loads of lovely epiphanies mostly around my relationships with others, specifically my Mom. Ugh lots of stuff there.
I also got back into Hot Yoga which I really love.

My intention most days is to slow down my reactions to things. To not freak out or fly off the handle but to remain calm. Also Sovreignty. Oh and also less procrastination. And more balance.
Hmm anything else? ;-)

1 comment:

  1. Hi fellow Shivanaut!
    I've been pratising on and off since Mid-march so I'm quite new to it all but saw you were starting this [from Havi's blog] and thought I'd come say hi.
    Hope it's all still going well :)

    In Light,
